Male Hormone Program

One of the important keys in anti-aging science is hormone levels in the body.  Hormone … is a word that we hear very often. Hormones are substances that are created naturally in our body from various organs. They are highly important in controlling the functions of many body systems such as Thyroid gland, Pituitary glands and various endocrine glands.

As we get older, the production of hormones will change with age. During adolescence, there will be sex hormones such as growth hormone in both men and women to help with growth, melatonin that helps control your sleep, etc. Although the production of hormones happens naturally, there can be times when the hormones are out of balance or lacking. If that happens, our body will show various symptoms such as being easily tired, not feeling fresh, having sleeping difficulties, temper tantrums, weight gain or loss in a short period, etc., and various diseases that we may not expect could occur.

Therefore, treatments to adjust hormone levels are alternative choices that should be considered and may lead you to changes that you can never imagine.

Program start with Lab Test to know how is your body status before treatment and follow with friendly professional treatment

Lab Test for Body Detox

A : By Blood Test
1.1 Physical Examination
1.2 Glycated Hemoglobin
1.3 Blood Type Test
1.4 PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen)
1.5 FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
1.6 Testosterone
1.7 LH (Luteinizing Hormone)


The imbalance of hormones occurs not only in women. In men, from around the age of 30, Testosterone level produced by testicles are reduced. This hormone creates male characters and is an important part in building muscles, bone mass and hair growth. A defect in the hormone level can be treated by restoring testosterone to its normal level and adding some vitamins called Myers Cocktail formula to freshen up.