Female Hormone Program
One of the important keys in anti-aging science is hormone levels in the body. As we get older, the production of hormones will change with age. During adolescence, there will be sex hormones Although the production of hormones happens naturally, there can be times when the hormones are out of balance Therefore, treatments to adjust hormone levels are alternative choices that should be considered and may lead you Program start with Lab Test to know how is your body status before treatment and follow with friendly
Lab Test for Body Detox
A : By Blood Test
1.1 Physical Examination
1.2 Glycated Hemoglobin
1.3 FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
1.4 Testosterone
1.5 LH (Luteinizing Hormone)
1.6 Progesterone
1.7 E2 Estradiol
1.8 Tumor Marker
Defects in female sex hormone production, which may be the result of an unhealthy lifestyle or aging, can cause hormonal imbalances. Possible symptoms or effects include menstrual disorders, sleep disorders, fatigue, mood swings and weight gain, etc. These can affect your daily life. An easy way to balance the crucial female hormone levels in order to keep your young and fresh look is to increase the level of female hormones by taking medicine orally or externally and getting enough vitamins that the body needs. This procedure will help improve your quality of life and bring back a young, 20 year-old look to you.